School Christmas Meals interview on BBC Radio Solent

Our Area Manager, Donna Peters and the Headteacher at Fairisle Junior School, Peter Howard – joined Lou Hannan on BBC Radio Solent on the 13th January 2022.

Donna is the point of contact for 12 school kitchen teams across Southampton and Peter is a Headteacher - in addition to this Peter is a member of our Board of Trustees.

We served over 12,000 Christmas meals across the City in December and both Donna and Peter shared their experience of ‘Christmas dinner day’ and what it meant to them, the schools, and most importantly the children.

Donna even had the pleasure of serving some Christmas dinners herself and said “to see the children when they come in, their faces, the food, people dressed up, and the beautifully decorated desserts”.

We are very passionate about what we do at City Catering Southampton and Donna summed it up beautifully. The dedication and love from staff all year round, which goes into school meals.

Peter explained how the pupils at his school made beautiful Christmas hats at home and wore them during the Christmas lunch service. The children won prizes, the hats were judged and the school raised over £300 for Brain Tumour Research! It was a complete success.

Peter thanked Sharon, Iris and Nancy - the kitchen team at Fairisle Junior School, for a delicious festive meal.

Listen to the full interview here.

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